Prison Architect Builds
To access the builds below you need to have a Forum Account that you have activated with your Prison Architect Key. If you do not have a key you can purchase one here. If you have any problems you can visit our support center.
Update 17 (Multiplayer Version 1)19 Dec 2018
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All sandbox features now unlocked for multiplayer.

Full Change List

  • All Prison Architect sandbox features now work in multiplayer
    • New multiplayer functionality
    • Weather and temperature system
    • Executions
    • Random events
    • Wired objects
    • Riot UI and other failure conditions
    • Prison expansion
    • Remaining todo list items
    • Full prisoner information, on mouseover tooltip and selection, should now be visible and accurate on clients
  • Improved joining game progress bar feedback
  • Fixed and added many in-game sounds to multiplayer
Multiplayer Alpha 31st Nov 2018
No video this time!

More features unlocked for multiplayer, especially reports.

Access on the Steam "beta" branch. Library | Prison Architect | Properties | Betas | beta.

Full Change List

= Made reports screens functional for all players while playing a multiplayer game
  • Staff
  • Prisoners
  • Intake
  • Jobs
  • Needs
  • Regime
  • Policy
  • Grants
  • Reform Programs
  • Finance
  • Valuation
= Made more features now work for clients while playing a multiplayer game
  • More intelligence and logistics features
  • Crisis buttons
  • Prisoner needs tooltips
  • Discovered escape tunnels
  • Firefighter's water spray
Multiplayer Alpha 21st Oct 2018
No video this time!

More features unlocked for multiplayer. Beginnings of region selection and first cut of Linux support.

Access on the Steam "beta" branch. Library | Prison Architect | Properties | Betas | beta.

Full Change List

= Made more features available to clients while playing a multiplayer game
  • Deployment
  • Logistics
  • Intelligence
  • Prison Grading
  • Emergency callouts
  • In game markers (such as those for discovered contraband)
  • Failure conditions
= Region Selection
  • Players can now select which region to join when playing multiplayer. Choose the region closest to you to achieve the best ping and reduce the chance of disconnection issues.
  • You can only join games that are created in the same region you have selected.
= Linux Support
  • The multiplayer alpha now has linux support. Linux users can now enjoy cross platform prison building alongside their friends on PC and MAC.
= Bug fixes
  • Fixed various internal networking issues.
  • Joining large prisons in multiplayer should now be more stable.
Update 16 (Multiplayer Alpha 1)4 Sept 2018
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It's Prison Architect, with your mates! Get our buddies together into one big mass, co-op prison building love-in. Beware, it's in alpha again, so you may hit some snags.......

Access on the Steam "beta" branch. Library | Prison Architect | Properties | Betas | beta.

Full Change List

= Multiplayer Alpha
  • Added a multiplayer mode to Prison Architect, build a prison cooperatively with up to 8 people!
    • While in a regular sandbox game of Prison Architect you can select to Go Online and host a multiplayer game that people can join.
    • This game can be publicly listed or set to private and protected with a password.
    • When players have joined you can see them as a marker in the world and can see what material or object they have currently selected and are about to build.
  • This is our first alpha release of multiplayer mode, with a focus on getting the core functionality working. This means that some features are not currently available to connected clients and we plan on adding them over time as we continue working on multiplayer.

    Features currently disabled on remote clients but will be coming in the near future:
    • Wire connections
    • Deployment
    • Logistics
    • Intelligence
    • Emergency callouts (can be controlled but can't be called in)
    • Reports
    • Prison Grading
    • Graphs
- Mod Support
  • Added Custom Report Window which can be used by scripted objects to display a mod defined report screen when you click on the object, similar to the Prisoner's rapsheet. Simply set HasCustomReport to true on the scripted object, and then call SetReportTabs to add tabs to the report.
  • In the script's PopulateReport function, use the add and remove report component functions to display components for the given tab index. Components can be modified later using the SetComponentProperties function.
Update 153rd Aug 2018
No video this time!

More escape plan behaviours. Watch out where you allow trees to grow because prisoners can now climb them to hop over walls and fences. Keep your prisoners away from the road because the bold can now 'jack the supply trucks. Road barriers and barbed wire might help, but have the medics on standby just in case...

Full Change List

= Vehicle Hijacking
  • Certain types of prisoners are now able to hijack trucks on the road. If they are crossing the road and see a truck left idle, they will attempt to get in and drive it off (beating up the poor driver if he happens to be inside at the time). Regular old road gates won't stop a speeding truck.
  • Stolen trucks can be stopped either using the new Road Barrier object (a sturdy metal gate that only closes during Lockdown), or by having armed guards nearby to stop any stolen vehicles.
= Rope escapes (continued).

You can now build barbed wire on the top of any external walls. Escaping prisoners will try and avoid barbed wire if they can, but will still climb over it if they really want to escape. It's sharp and painful though, and will harm prisoners who try and climb it. Find it in the objects build list.

= Tree escapes

Prisoners will now climb on fully grown trees to jump over an adjacent wall. They can use this to avoid barbed wire, but can be knocked down off of the tree by a nearby guard as with all other climbing.

= Bug Fixes
  • 0011627: [Gameplay] Insane temperatures after fire (Icepick)
  • 0011586: [Gameplay] Dog Handler does not stop employees when they carry contraband (Icepick)
  • 0011610: [Performance] Game crashes when receiving minimum and medium security prisoners (Icepick)
  • 0011642: [AI & Behaviour] ZE ROLL CALL!!11!! and dormitories have issues (Icepick)
  • 0011624: [Mod System] Crash in DataRegistry::LuaFindDataRegistry, DataRegistry::LuaSetter (John)
  • Timelapse video recording refactored, crash on shutdown fixed.
  • Script Debugger crash fix.
  • Objects with BuiltOnWalls property (e.g. Windows, Barbed Wire) no longer cast shadows.
Update 1422 Jun 2018
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Prisoners now steal uniforms from the laundry and stitch them together to make rope. Now what's a prisoner going to do with rope....

You also get graphs, updated mod support, thousands of bug fixes and roll call, but sadly no doughnuts or moustaches (yet).

Full Change List

= Wall climbing escape attempts
  • Rope escapes

    A new contraband item has been added to the game, an improvised rope made from prisoner uniforms. Prisoners working in the laundry will sometimes steal 5 uniforms in an attempt to make a rope. As with all contraband items, it can be stashed or traded. Prisoners attempting to escape that have a rope will go grab it and then head to the nearest outside wall. When there, they will throw the rope onto the wall allowing them to pass over it.

    More importantly, other prisoners will also use the rope in their escapes attempts. You will have to tell a Workman to dump the rope to remove it from the wall.

  • Strong prisoners can now escape by climbing over fences.
= Roll Call

You can now request a 'Roll Call' at night. This wakes up all prisoners and forces them to stand in their cell doorway.

  • Obviously prisoners just looove being forced to do this at 3am in the morning.
  • Any prisoners who happen to be tunnelling at the time of the roll call will show up late, giving away their plans.
  • Guards will notice this if nearby, but the vigilant player should keep his own eye out.
= Graphs and stat tracking
  • You can now view graphs plotting various pieces of data over the life time of your prison
  • You can compare changes over time by displaying two stats on the same graph
= Mod Support (continued)
  • Better Entity modding
  • Modded entities can now have DefaultBehaviour and/or StaffNeed properties.
  • DefaultBehaviour gives modded entities basic behaviour that all entities in the game have. They can accept jobs from the jobs.txt file, hang out in a certain type of room (if this is set with the HangOutRoom option), go get healed from a doctor if injured, and go to a staff room when tired.
  • StaffNeeds gives any modded Staff entity (Properties Staff) the same needs system as regular staff, on any map that guards and workmen get.
  • Modded Staff entities now appear in the Staff reports window under "Other", if any modded staff types exist.
  • Fixed: Adding an interface element would add it to the currently selected object's window, rather than just the scripted object's window.
  • Fixed: If a scripted object made more than one custom job (via CreateJob) then we would fail to stop duplicates of that job.
  • Fixed: Jobs are removed from an object when it is destroyed (Mantis #11595).
  • Added: Modded jobs will now additively load in worker types. The first loaded job (based on mod order) will still define all properties of the job (JobTime, Tool, Material, etc.), but subsequently loaded jobs with the same name will add in their worker types.
  • Added: CancelJob function for scripted objects. Used to cancel a custom job created on an object (Mantis #11596).
= Bug Fixes
  • 0011602: [Control & User Interface] missing tooltip for needs_help_StaffWarmth (John)
  • 0011546: [Mod System] Funky stuff with entity.DeathType (elDiablo)
  • 0007558: [Mod System] GetProperty() on needs doesn't work (elDiablo)
  • 0011595: [Mod System] Created jobs on objects still exist when object gets deleted (elDiablo)
  • 0011596: [Mod System] Please implement Object.CancelJob() to be able to cancel jobs created with Object.CreateJob() (elDiablo)
  • 0011593: [Gameplay] Cannot schedule programs with requirements fulfilled (lim_ak)
  • 0011555: [Mod System] CTD on save button with these mods combined (John)
  • 0011446: [Save & Load] Crash on save with std::bad_alloc exception (lim_ak)
  • 0011589: [Gameplay] When I have a gun in Warden Mode and try to shoot a prisoner who is attacking me, the gun only works at point-blank range. (lim_ak)
  • 0011585: [Save & Load] Crash on save with 64bit Steam version (13j) (John)
  • 0011584: [Save & Load] 64Bit Steam version will crash upon start when trying to load a prison for the Attract screen (John)
  • 0011591: [Mod System] When a script adds custom buttons to an object, those buttons will appear on any object which is currently selected (elDiablo)
  • 0011553: [Control & User Interface] Cannot buy land expansions in warden mode due to it being out of reach (lim_ak)
  • 0011551: [AI & Behaviour] Spots that are "Too Dangerous" remain forever, blocking all jobs from completing in that area. (lim_ak)
  • 0011563: [Control & User Interface] Hovering over death notification causes the camera to judder in Warden Mode (lim_ak)
  • 0011570: [Control & User Interface] If sniper is interrupted during aiming, the laser is stuck on sniper/target (John)
  • 0011556: [AI & Behaviour] When dog is tired, his guard is still saying "Patrolling" (lim_ak)
  • 0011578: [Gameplay] Prisoners don't work in the Kitchen with specific Regime Settings (John)
  • 0010971: [Control & User Interface] Zoom to mouse using keyboard (lim_ak)
  • 0011569: [Control & User Interface] pickpocket rep does not have tooltip/description (lim_ak)
  • 0010948: [AI & Behaviour] Death Row Inmates don't turn up on the intake bus when they are scheduled (lim_ak)
  • 0011300: [Mod System] Default spritebank has incorrect marker coordinates that interfer with mods. (lim_ak)
  • 0011583: [Gameplay] Unable to end punishments (lim_ak)
  • 0011518: [Control & User Interface] Provide option in preferences.txt to prevent the new intro screen (John)
  • 0011574: [AI & Behaviour] On high-dpi screens, execution report spills outside dialog (John)
  • 0011564: [Mod System] Custom sound files in mods will cause CTD (John)
  • 0011526: [Control & User Interface] Samuel Norton achievement from just watching the intro screen. (lim_ak)
  • 0011534: [Save & Load] Game crashes when loading a save that moved from an upper save being deleted (lim_ak)
  • 0011537: [Gameplay] Game crash - Assertion failed : 'shadow[index] != 0' -- ...steamapps/common/Prison Architect/PrisonArchitect: line 59 (John)
Update 1319 Dec 2017
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Feeling brave?

Switch to Warden mode, turn on perma-death and architect your prison from the ground. Stroll through the exercise yards and canteens, clipboard in hand, marking up modifications and future plans. Experience your prison from a prisoner's perspective and develop a whole new appreciation of your hell hole - oh and you may want to enlist a guard or two to offer you some protection - not all of those jail birds hold you in high esteem...

Full Change List

= Warden Mode

You can now play as the warden inside the prison you are building! Enable this from a new option in the New Prison screen. Most of the user interface is the same, but you can also walk around using the WASD keys (and shift to sprint) You can press TAB to toggle to Action mode. From here you can control the equipment you are carrying, and recruit body guards. Try not to get attacked by your unruly prisoners! But if you do, you will be taken care of by your medical staff.

  • Fog of war: You cannot see around corners, so be careful. The one exception is that you CAN see through any CCTV cameras you have installed.
  • Arm yourself
    • You can pick up objects commonly found in each room to protect yourself. Think a knife from the kitchen or a taser from the armoury.
    • You can collect body armour from the armoury for some extra protection.
    • You cannot simply attack prisoners without provocation. But if you are attacked you are free to defend yourself.
  • Protection Squad
    • Recruit guards to your personal protection squad by right clicking on them from the Action interface (tab)
    • These guards will follow you around and protect you from any unruly prisoners.
    • Bodyguards don't come cheap. They will add a significant cost to your daily upkeep.
  • Permadeath
    • Play in Permadeath mode and you will have to rely on the security and medical infrastructure of your prison even more.
    • If you die in Permadeath mode that's it, Game Over.
= Floor Signage
  • New tools are available in the Deployment menu to provide floor signage for Prisoners and everyone else
  • Floor Signage provides a way for you to give hints to people as to which way they should travel around your prison. People tend to follow the directions unless a much easier/shorter route is available.
  • Misbehaving prisoners, doctors on the way to heal someone, and all type of Emergency callout units ignore the floor signage. Everyone will also ignore the directions if there is a riot occuring.
  • To paint lines, simply select one of the new tools, and left-click and drag in the direction you want people to go. Right-click and drag to remove paint.
= New Attract screen

The game now opens with a new attract screen, slowly panning around your recent saved prisons (or the bundled prisons if you have no saves). Press any key or click the mouse to bring up the Main Menu. This should be a better first screen than simply being dumped on a new empty plot of land.

- Modding
  • Script Debugger Window
    • Added: When highlighting a scripted object in the script drop down menu, the camera will now move to that object to help see which script will be selected.
    • Fixed: Script names were hard to make sense of. Names in the drop down menu are now a lot shorter and easier to discern.
    • Fixed: The window wouldn't correctly open to the selected scripted object, or to a scripted object that threw an error.
    • Allowed more object variables to be used by scripts.
= Balance changes
  • Removed the cap of 20 prisoners working in a single large room at a time. The new cap is 100.
  • Prisoners have received a boost to their academic skill rating based on their security category. This means it is slightly easier to have prisoners pass the education programs.
  • The Foundation Education and General Education reform programs have had the number of sessions halved from 10 and 20 to 5 and 10 respectively.
  • The Library now requires a certain academic skill rating rather than specifically requiring the Foundation Education program. This makes the Library usable sooner.
  • Added a new need, Luxuries, which is satisfied by goods sold in the shop. Prisoners who have satisfied this need are less likely to cause trouble.
  • You now gain a commision from goods sold in your shop. At the end of each day, you'll receive a bonus payment based on how many goods were sold in your shop.
  • Prisoners who go too long without being assigned to a cell will now have a marker pointing to them for easy identification.
  • You can now end all punishments on a prisoner from their rapsheet, not just permanent ones.
= Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue causing Workmen to regularly move shop goods back and forth between the Shop and Storage.
  • Fixed: Dogs of fired handlers would occassionally maul some unsuspecting prisoner to death for no reason. Bad dog!
  • Fixed: Number of staff resting with staff needs enabled is now updated correctly
  • Fixed: Some objective markers for non-English languages appearing in English, they will now be translated correctly
  • Fixed: Sectorisation of mixed regular and family cell blocks will no longer split the regular cells into separate sectors.
  • 011500: [Other] No French label for "missing access to canteen" (John)
  • 011498: [Other] French translation error in the first campaign (John)
  • 007501: [AI & Behaviour] Addictions cannot be removed. (PROVED) (Icepick)
  • 011494: [AI & Behaviour] Work/Lockdup and Work/Free time FREEDOM problem (Icepick)
  • 011486: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Not Addressing "Rest" Need on Breaks (Icepick)
  • 011482: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Need Bug (Icepick)
  • 011324: [Gameplay] Staff Canteen Does Not Have Trays and Staff Cannot Eat (Icepick)
  • 011151: [Control & User Interface] The new script debugger is not quite useful (elDiablo)
  • 010989: [Gameplay] Guard Dogs Kill When Fired (Icepick)
  • 010469: [Mod System] Command Bar only allows one command before breaking. (elDiablo)
  • 011480: [Mod System] entity.DeathType, .MurderWeapon and .MurdererType not accessible (elDiablo)
  • 008737: [Control & User Interface] Unable to end temporary punishments (Icepick)
  • 011509: [Gameplay] Mothers tunneling out of their prison (Icepick)
  • 011508: [Gameplay] Prisoners sometimes route outside without misbehaving the prison letting them escape (Icepick)
  • 011505: [Control & User Interface] Number of resting staff members is not adequatly updated (lim_ak)
  • 011499: [Other] No French label for "Capacitor" (lim_ak)
  • 011474: [Graphics] Sprite misalignment in 64 bit version (lim_ak)
Update 1222 June 2017
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Fingerless gloves, barrels of fire, placards and picket lines - all signs of a jolly good protest. Democracy is a wonderful thing, unless of course the protest is by your staff who are sick of the tyrannical regime and demand fair pay for a hard days work.

We've beefed up the guards need system to include all staff - work them too hard, pay them too little, or expose them to too much danger and their morale will start to drop. Eventually they'll give up on you and walk out. And I wouldn't want to be the boss of a maxsec prison when all the staff walk out...

Full Change List

= Staff Needs (continued)
  • New staff break behaviour
    • Staff will now take a break when they feel they need to, providing there are enough guards idling
    • No more than 10% of your staff will take a break at any time
    • Staff will stay on their break until their needs are taken care of, but will give up eventually if nothing is available
  • Fixes to staff needs provisions:
    • Staff Rooms and Staff Canteens are now assigned a nearby kitchen in the Food Logistics view, just like any normal Canteen.
    • Chefs from that chosen kitchen will handle stacking and cleaning food trays.
    • The assigned kitchen can be overridden manually as normal.
    • More food trays and staff meals will be ordered automatically when you have staff needs enabled
    • Stopped chefs from stacking dirty food trays with stacks that were miles away in a different canteen
    • Fixed tons of issues with staff not using providers when on their breaks
    • Fixed serious issues with food trays not been cleaned and replaced when in staff canteens
  • The staff tooltip widget in the top bar now shows ALL guard types, including dog handlers, snipers and armed guards
  • Staff Morale
    • Affected by happy staff versus unhappy staff,
    • Affected by long term staff deaths
    • Affected by currently injured
    • Affected by salary
  • Staff wages
    • Upkeep now specified in materials.txt
    • Pay rises possible from Policy screen
  • Staff will go on strike if morale falls to 0%, and demand a large pay rise to return to work
  • Chefs/Gardeners/Janitors now have needs
- Tunnel searching

You can now issue the command 'search for tunnels' from any cell toilet.
This will search all toilets in the block for escape tunnels.

= Steam Cloud saves
  • You can now use the cross-platform Steam Cloud to store your prison and campaign save games.
  • Simply toggle the checkbox on the save screen in order to enable/disable this feature.
  • The save window will show which save games are on the cloud with a handy icon.
  • Save games made when Steam Cloud is disabled will be saved on your local machine only.
- 3d mode improved

The following will be suspended during riots, or during staff strikes:

  • Delivery of daily supplies
  • Garbage collection
  • Exports collection
  • Prisoner intake
  • Collection of dead bodies
= Weather (continued)
  • New weather icon in top toolbar
  • 'Overcast' visual effect now only applies to outdoors (which will look greyed out)
  • 'Heatwave' visual effect only applies to outdoors (which will look very bright)
  • Rebalanced all weather probabilities, making 'clear skies' more common, rain/overcast/snow less common
  • Weather now has a chance to change every 12 hours (previously 24 hours)
  • Fixed : Riot Guards refused to fight when in prisoner controlled sectors
  • Fixed : Emergency staff sometimes "fell" out of their vehicle long before it arrived at the Deliveries zone
  • Fixed : All new prisoners are not assigned parole times properly. This remains the case until save/reload.
  • Fixed : Added pages to CI menu to prevent it running off the screen
  • 0011379: [Save & Load] Prisoner Needs Table in savegame are stored twice (lim_ak)
  • 0011173: [Control & User Interface] Japanese Text not wrapping (lim_ak)
  • 0011346: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Canteen starved of trays (Chris)
  • 0011393: [AI & Behaviour] Riot police got stuck in riot zone (Chris)
  • 0011402: [AI & Behaviour] Staff not eating meals, staff canteens not used (Chris)
  • 0011369: [AI & Behaviour] Security won't eat (Chris)
  • 0010925: [AI & Behaviour] Riot guards refuse to move (Chris)
  • 0011371: [AI & Behaviour] Armed Guards don't move (Chris)
  • 0011394: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Meals improperly distributed (Chris)
  • 0011364: [AI & Behaviour] Riot guards instantly leave Riot van when they arrive (Chris)
Update 1120 Dec 2016
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This frosty December, we give you guard needs:  no longer can you treat your hard working prison officers as robot gaolers. They're going to need their own toilet and canteen and your staff room is about to get a whole lot busier...

Failure to look after their needs will result in a whole gamut of industrial accident that's going to have a very bad effect on the welfare of your prison.

16 Jan 2017: Hotfix Update 11f released (See changelog).

Full Change List

= Staff Needs

Your security staff now have needs, in much the same way as prisoners. This is optional, and can be enabled when creating a new prison, or enabled from Extras -> Map Settings.

You must take care of your staff needs, or else your staff will begin to perform their duties badly.

The staff members affected in this update are:

  • Guards
  • Armed Guards
  • Dog Handlers
  • Snipers

These staff will have a semi random mixture of the following needs. Each need is similar to its prisoner counterpart, but also slightly different:

Staff will only make use of toilets in staff designated zones or staff rooms
Staff will eat in the Staff Room if you add a Serving Table. Or you can designate a canteen as "Staff Only" and they will eat there instead. Staff meals are more expensive than prisoner meals and are automatically delivered.
Staff hate to feel they are in danger. You can help with this need by equipping your staff with Tazers, body armour etc, as well as ensuring strength in numbers.
Staff get bored too. They can now make use of any entertainment so long as it exists within a staff room. Eg Pool tables, radios, TVs, etc.
Put some sofas in the staff room for this.
Same as prisoners, this is entirely based on the cleanliness of the surroundings.
This replaces the "tiredness" mechanic. Be sure to give your staff enough down time.

If staff are happy, this contributes in a positive way towards the temperature of your prison. Likewise if they are unhappy, this will make the prison "hotter" and lead to more trouble later.

If you do not take care of your staff they will become "pissed off", and begin to perform their jobs badly:

  • Sauntering around slowly when doing jobs
  • Less effective at searching for contraband
  • Less likely to actively look for trouble, more likely to turn a blind eye
  • Unwilling to put themselves in danger eg confronting gang members
  • In extreme cases, staff will take bribes in order to look the other way when searching for contraband
= Staff break times
  • You can now specify how much break time to grant your staff. Go to Reports -> Policy.
  • You can choose how long each break is, and how many breaks per day are taken.
  • Staff on break will immediately begin attending to their needs. Nb. Staff will always finish their current job before starting their break.
= Other changes
  • Arcade Cabinets have had their sound turned down
  • Larger clone size with Tools and Cheats enabled.
  • Main menu: 'Terms and Conditions' moved to Options menu.
  • Main menu: Added 'Other Introversion Games' link.
  • Tooltip added to Analytics in Options menu.
= BUG Fixes
  • Fixed: Dog Handlers would be completely paralised if injured, and there was no Medical Ward
  • Crash when loading with mods which define a custom room.
  • Family Rooms no longer erroneously display the cell quality too high warning.
Version Oct 2016
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Build and Manage a Maximum Security Prison.

Full Change List

  • Sectors may now be marked as 'Access Only' in the Deployment screen. Use this to discourage staff and prisoners from using the marked areas as a short cut.
  • Clicking on a prisoner now brings up the rapsheet directly. This behaviour can be changed in the Game Options menu.
  • Dormitories now require Phonebooths instead of Radios to meet their Quality requirements.
  • We are now collecting anonymised game statistics so that we can make further improvements to the game. You can disable this collection by checking the Disable Analytics option in the Game Options menu.
  • Larger Clone tool size when running with Tools and Cheats enabled.
  • 0011223: [AI & Behaviour] Laundry steals washed clothing/baskets/uniforms from other Laundries (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011260: [AI & Behaviour] Common Rooms not being marked as gang potential territories (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010922: [AI & Behaviour] Dogs try to take a different path to their handler; infinite loop (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010919: [AI & Behaviour] When shop removed, good are not placed back to the storage instead just lay there. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011250: [Control & User Interface] Add a way to click on obstructed items/units when they are layered on top of each other (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011253: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners pick contraband through walls (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010951: [Gameplay] Need 2 radios in a 3 prisonners room to increase the room quality. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011210: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners consume prayer mats to change into new uniforms (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011246: [AI & Behaviour] [Escape mode] Guard dogs continue to attack player after the player has been knocked unconscious and skipped punishments (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0005762: [Graphics] Metal Detectors (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011178: [Other] Food Tray Payment (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010900: [Control & User Interface] Grants will sometimes disappear from the To Do List and won't check them as completed (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011237: [AI & Behaviour] Problems with the shop (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010936: [Other] 'Sentenced to...' is quite often incorrect. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010085: [Gameplay] Cannot proceed in campaign (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011234: [AI & Behaviour] No trucks bringing the food (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011221: [Graphics] Prisoners holding items have three hands while handcuffed (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011228: [AI & Behaviour] Adding new parole hearings causes mass spawning of parole officers/teachers/religion officials (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011197: [Control & User Interface] Changing amount of intake causes game to crash (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011222: [AI & Behaviour] Holding cells will not be cleaned unless the room is dezooned (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011182: [AI & Behaviour] Guard Patrol Assignments not removed when removing guard patrol path (Icepick) - resolved.
  • Crash when loading with mods which define a custom room.
  • Family Rooms no longer erroneously display the cell quality too high warning.
Version 2.026 August 2016
YouTube Video Thumbnail

Build and Manage a Maximum Security Prison.

Full Change List

= Developer Tools and Cheats

Developer tools and cheats, seen in some of the alpha videos, are now available to everyone. A new option is shown when creating a new map, "Enable Cheats". This is prison specific and cannot be disabled later.

When enabled:

  • All construction occurs immediately
  • A new 'Spawn' toolbar button permits instant creation of any game object for zero cost
  • Water can be placed like any other material
  • Research in the bureaucracy screen can be sped up by holding down the right mouse button on the item

The Function keys now perform debug services:

Edit world properties (Very easy to crash/ruin the game)
Script Debugger
Dialog Editor
Sound Editor
Sprite Bank Editor for Needs icons
Sprite Bank Editor for User Interface icons
Sprite Bank Editor for Game Sprites
Debug rendering options
Enlarge Map in All Directions


  • Cheat prisons do not allow achievement unlocks
  • Cheat prisons cannot be sold for profit.
- Policy Window (continued)
  • You can now set which misbehaviours warrant an increase or decrease in prisoner security. For example, murder can be set to immediately make a prisoner Max-Sec.
  • You can now disable the cell quality checks that determine which cells a prisoner can be assigned to. When enabled, prisoners who misbehave will not be assigned to a nice cell, even if that nice cell is the only one available. When disabled, prisoners will always be assigned to free cells if that is all that is available.
- Modding System (continued)
  • - Added World.NumPrisoners and World.Capacity. These return tables containing the current number of prisoners and the total number of cells in each security rating respectively.
  • - Added ability to use markers in object tooltip strings (via objectTable.Tooltip). See lua_function_list.txt

- Localisations

  • All languages updated
  • Jobs to construct walls are now visible while designating rooms.
  • Fix for reliability of + button in Build Toolbar
  • Delivery Truck drivers no longer counted in Staff Reports
  • Utilities Room in Quick Build no longer uses the default sprite
  • Objects that can't be rotated are no longer rotated if part of a Quick Build
  • Staff inside gang controlled areas can now be sacked
  • 0010930: [AI & Behaviour] Death row prisoners show up as max security (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011077: [Other] Name in Game Tier issue (John) - resolved.
  • 0011091: [Control & User Interface] Clicking where the taskbar is located shows the taskbar in windows 10 anniversary update (lim_ak) - resolved.
  • 0011119: [Gameplay] The issue with taking Death row prisoners. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010968: [Performance] Random crash.Especially during the riot or taser fighting (John) - resolved.
  • 0011017: [Control & User Interface] [v2preview] crash when viewing "stolen from" (John) - resolved.
  • 0010921: [AI & Behaviour] Freetime broken (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011032: [Control & User Interface] wrong Japanese translation (John) - resolved.
  • 0011052: [Gameplay] Quickbuild "luxury cell" and common room not updated for v2.0 tv behavior. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010191: [AI & Behaviour] Dead armed guards will not stop moving when put in Hearse. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011060: [Control & User Interface] Ability to disable the automatic prisoner security change. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0007196: [Control & User Interface] Inmate Nutrition Research Grammar (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011170: [AI & Behaviour] Several security-restricted reception rooms do not work (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011168: [AI & Behaviour] Visitation does not satisfy family need. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010829: [Gameplay] Extension to automatic Security Risk re-assignment (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0003491: [Control & User Interface] I need more intake in order to keep the Prison profitable (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011129: [Platform Specific Issues] Windows 10 Taskbar vs PA Toolbar (lim_ak) - resolved.
  • 0009331: [Gameplay] Execution Lockdown fails to complete (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011135: [Gameplay] Freedom need not satisfied by yard (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011150: [AI & Behaviour] Confidential Informants Get Stuck In Security Room (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011106: [Control & User Interface] Micromanagement bug - no teacher exists while he does. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011145: [Control & User Interface] Screen focus shifts while in Informants view mode (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011158: [Control & User Interface] Cannot switch from Dump to Dismantle in Context Menu (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011160: [Gameplay] National guard should cancel lockdown before entering the prison (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011105: [AI & Behaviour] Cell doors are open during Work/Lockup regime (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011120: [Mod System] [Bug] Using "Interface.RemoveComponent()" extends the menu window height instead of shortening (elDiablo) - resolved.
  • 0011068: [Control & User Interface] Nasty new problems with Interface Buttons on objects (elDiablo) - resolved.
  • 0011097: [Mod System] Make the amount of prisoners per Security Level and the amount available/total cells per Security level accessible for mods (elDiablo) - resolved.
  • 0010996: [AI & Behaviour] (Version 2 preview) Prisoners in solitary aren't using toilets/showers even though their needs are high (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011104: [Gameplay] Prisoners sniffed by dog and searched once deposited in solitary never start serving their punishment (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011136: [AI & Behaviour] Food tray redistribution (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011124: [Gameplay] The new suprise minsec legendary gangleader event didn't actually make the prisoner a gang leader (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011133: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners get stuck when sent to solitary (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011132: [Gameplay] Object duplication with high-priority jobs (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011014: [Save & Load] SectorSystem check keeps reverting changes (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011131: [Gameplay] Snipers bug. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011046: [Control & User Interface] Confidential informants screen misplaced (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010521: [AI & Behaviour] Families wont visit causing lots of fights (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011126: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners fail to satisfy "Literacy" need despite having library books (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011087: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners taken to medical beds are not healed or returned to cells (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010998: [Control & User Interface] "Total Prisoners" intake always selects maximum number of inmates regardless of number set (lim_ak) - resolved.
  • 0011071: [AI & Behaviour] Stacking babies in a single stack (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011075: [Gameplay] Mother visited by her 0yr. old child (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011092: [Gameplay] Certain events should not occour before the player has unlocked what (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011030: [Control & User Interface] v2 Reg Doors cannot be locked open (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011081: [AI & Behaviour] Snipers target same prisoner (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011058: [Gameplay] Mayor does not require large TV removal (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011079: [Gameplay] Cell Grading for Dormitories bugged with more than 1 Occupants. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011067: [Gameplay] Random items appearing on todo list. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0011003: [Gameplay] Agitating radio broadcasts wont stop (Icepick) - resolved.
Update 8 (V2.0 Preview)27 July 2016
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This is a preview build of the v2.0 features that we are properly launching next month. There may be a couple of bugs and glitches in this bad boy so only dl if you are proper brave...

Full Change List

= New improved User Interface

Many user interfaces have been redesigned to be clearer, more consistent, and better looking.

  • Improved Build toolbar:
    • New look build toolbar for with much cleaner icons and graphics
    • Toolbar now filters out locked items by default, leading to simpler menus in early game (Click + to reveal all)
    • The Room toolbar now highlights room types when you mouse over them
    • Help tooltips have been added to many of the toolbar menus
  • Tooltip sizes made more consistent and screen friendly across the board
  • New Context Menu:
    • Click on any object or entity to bring up the context menu
    • Allows for quick context sensitive actions
    • Prisoner Rap sheet now auto-follows prisoners
  • UNDO:
    • All construction work is now covered by a global UNDO button at the bottom right of the screen
    • Nb. UNDO button is only shown when using the toolbar for foundations, materials, objects, utilities etc
    • Click UNDO to gradually reverse any decisions you have made, and receive a full refund
  • Research/bureaucracy screen improved to look better
  • Patrols interface improved for clarity
  • Pipe and water rendering improved for clarity
  • Informants window improved by moving the list to the right of the screen and making it smaller
  • Logistics views now more consistent, showing only objects and entities relevant to each view.
    Eg Food logistics now shows everything relevent to food: Ingredients, meals, chefs, prisoners working in the kitchen
  • Nb. All of the new GUI features can be disabled through Main Menu -> Options -> Game -> Version 2.0 GUI tickbox
  • Zoom to mouse.
    Nb. Can be disabled through Main Menu -> Options -> Game -> Zoom to mouse.
= Modding System (continued)
  • 'Infinite' mod loading The game now supports many more simultanious graphical mods than before It achieves this by gradually increasing the size of the graphics tileset, until your graphics card itself hits its limit In general users should find they can now activate a great deal more mods before any problems occur In addition, when the limit is reached you will now receive a warning/error message. (Previously it just started misbehaving)
  • Mods with spritesheets larger than 1024x1024 are now supported
  • Lua World Scripts:
    • Each mod can now have a data/world.lua script file, which should contain both Init() and Update( timePassed ) functions.
    • This script is initialised on World initialisation (for both new maps and loaded save games) and Updated on each World update.
    • Variables set in the "this" or "World" tables will be cast to strings and persist in the save game.
    • Variables are loaded after Init and before the first call to Update.
  • Mods can now have their own sounds.txt file, containing only new/modified sounds.
    These will override base data in the same way as other mod files.
  • Added Update button to Prison Sharing menu.
    Allows any published prison to be updated with the prison that you are currently playing.
  • Fixed a bug in the lua scripting system that would try to cast boolean strings (in lua) to a bool (in c++).
= New game content
  • New events
    • Contraband surge
    • Tree fire
    • Food poisoning
    • Agitating radio
    • CI list leak
    • Mass tunnelling
    • Preacher
  • TVs now broadcast over an area (3x3, shown as a green box).
    Prisoners sitting within the viewing area can watch TV and thereby have their recreation needs taken care of.
    Nb. Prisoners can be doing other things at the same time, eg eating in the canteen.
  • New item: Large TV.
    Has a larger viewing area and can easily provide Recreation to an entire room.
    Be sure to provide lots of seating spaces.
  • Radios now passively broadcast to the entire room.
    Any prisoners in a room with a radio are slightly less bored, so get a small reduction to their Recreation needs.
  • New item: Arcade Cabinet
    Two inmates can play games on an arcade cabinet at the same time
  • New Contraband menu option: 'Stolen From' Shows the location each item of contraband was stolen from, rather than where it was ultimately recovered Shows 7 days of contraband history. This is very handy for finding which of your rooms is lacking security Also easily reveals where contraband is being thrown into your prison.
  • New Regime options Added a 'Work/Lockup' regime type. Treats prisoners who aren't working as being on a Lockup regime instead of free time. The standard Work regime has been renamed to 'Work/Freetime'
  • Dead entities now have their cause of death displayed in their tooltip
  • Prisoners without jail cells now show the reason why in their tooltip
  • Family cells that are in their own block, separate from other prisoner housing, will form a single sector
  • The 'Names in the Game' database can now be manually updated from the Extras | Name in Game menu.
  • Updates to all translations to bring all languages up to v2.0.
  • Fixed: A gang would never receive a new leader, if its previous leader was killed and left the map.
  • 0010443: [AI & Behaviour] Family cells do not form a continuous cell block
  • 0010559: [Mod System] Changing WorldCell "Ind" property always sets to false
  • 0009556: [Mod System] Lua: Triggered property sometimes a string, sometimes a number, sometimes boolean
  • 0003033: [Save & Load] Steam Workshop Update not possible
  • 0009729: [Mod System] Sprites.png: 1024x1024 size not working
  • 0010882: [Mod System] Sprite.png size limitations cause compatibility issues with mods
  • 0010290: [Mod System] Sprite Limits
  • 0009618: [Mod System] sprites.png: current approach necessary but not sufficient
Update 727 May 2016
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No new content this month, just a shit ton of bug fixes. Amazingly, the boys fixed more bugs then there are grains of sand on Brighton beach. Fact! Watch the video to learn about 2.0

Full Change List

= Temperature System
  • The entire Temperature / Weather / Seasons / Hot water system is now optional on starting a new prison.
  • 0010826: [Other] Logic still broken since after Alpha 25b (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010847: [AI & Behaviour] Tree delivery trucks carry one pallet per truck instead of eight, causing traffic jam and food shortage (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010808: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners flock to shop with chocolate in stock (John) - resolved.
  • 0010719: [Gameplay] Fill to Capacity - prisoner buses keep on coming even after prison is overflowing. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010816: [AI & Behaviour] cells not included in a cell block aren't provided uniforms (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010817: [Gameplay] Room Quality Calculated Wrong (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009415: [AI & Behaviour] Random deliveries to the shop cause shortage of popular item types, eventually freezing the shop altogether (John) - resolved.
  • 0010815: [Gameplay] Jobs with program education required are never assigned (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010792: [AI & Behaviour] When snipers stop a large group of tunnel escapees, guards do not process all escapees (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010834: [Control & User Interface] Showers that are hooked up with hot water pipes do not show the need for normal water pipes. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0005216: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners wont sleep befor 10 pm (John) - resolved.
  • 0010507: [AI & Behaviour] Mailroom does not work (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010827: [AI & Behaviour] New Death Row Prisoners wont go to death row cell, just as protective custody prisoners. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0008893: [AI & Behaviour] Guards, especially armed guards, can get stuck on walls near incidents (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010802: [Graphics] Snow obscures zoning (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009583: [Gameplay] Can't add any object in a cell where a gang member lives, incl. pipes&wires (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010806: [Graphics] Snow Indoors (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0005061: [AI & Behaviour] Utilities cannot be built below crossing walls (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0007963: [AI & Behaviour] Doctors not healing prisoners with laundry baskets (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009803: [Save & Load] "Autosave Timer" does not get saved (Icepick) - resolved.
Update 6 + NEW IV Games29 April 2016
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Enjoy a new method to prioritise jobs and get to grips with weather systems and flooding. We’ve also continued with our performance work so it should run even smoother than a Baby’s bottom.

Full Change List

= Seasons and Weather
  • The game will now move through the seasons, with the outdoor temperature varying based on the time of year.
  • Various weather patterns can occur during the game, varying based on the current season.
    • Overcast
    • Rain
    • Torrential rain (Special event, rare)
    • Snow and frost
    • Heatwave (special event, rare)
  • Prisoners needs will be affected by the weather when they are outdoors. Getting rained on will spike their comfort, clothing and warmth needs.
  • Prisoners left outside in extremely cold conditions (for example in an outdoor solitary confinement cage) can now die of exposure.
  • Weather is DISABLED by default in all prisons, and can be enabled when creating a new map. Alternatively, use the new "Map Settings" screen in the Extras menu.
= Map Settings

You can now adjust the settings of your prison from a new screen called "Map Settings", found in the Extras menu. This screen lets you enable certain options that may not have been enabled (or even available) when you first created the map.
Nb. You can enable these options, but you cannot disable them once enabled.

Available options:

  • Enable Gangs
  • Enable Events
  • Enable Weather
= Job Prioritisation
  • You can now mark any job as a high priority. Simple hold control and either left click or left drag a selection to mark jobs. Available workers (who aren't already on a high priority job) will stop what they are doing and be assigned to the high priority job.
  • If no workers are available, high priority jobs will take precedence when the workers become available. A small icon in the lower right of a visible job shows if it is marked as a high priority job.
  • You can remove the high priority marking on jobs by holding control and either right clicking or dragging a selection.
  • Hovering over an in progress job will now highlight the entity working on it, showing a red line leading to the worker responsible for the job.
  • Pressing F while highlighting an in progress job will cause the camera to follow the working entity and keep the highlight active.
= Performance Work (continued)

Further performance gains were made this month through several different approaches to optimisation.

  • More systems moved to overlap with Render().
  • Optimisations to the visible object list builder.
  • Singly linked lists mostly replaced with arrays (FastList).
  • Avoid copying of containers where possible.
  • NeedSystem optimised.
= Bug Fixes

Temperature and lightmap system corruption bug fixed.

  • 0010618: [Gameplay] Temperature next to fire is in the negatives
  • 0010625: [Gameplay] Temperature drops instantly even in areas that should be producing heat
Update 524 Mar 2016
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You spoke, we listened. After a month of tweaking, tuning, tightening and teasing we have managed to stuff even more frames into every unforgiving second. We've made significant performance gains so everyone should enjoy a smoother experience, but bear with us - we've got another month of speed updates to keep us busy over Easter.

Following our temperature work last month, Gary has updated the utilities mode to have a new hot water system and if you watch the vid we reveal all about Secret 3D Mode...

Full Change List

= Performance optimisations

We focussed on performance this month, and achieved a speed boost of at least 50%. This work is ongoing.

  • Now defaulting to the VS2015 build, with the old VS2008 build still available for Safe mode (Prison Architect Safe Mode.exe). This gives a good speed improvement over the VS2008 version.
  • Asynchronous job search system. Instead of synchronously looking for a job, workers, guards, prisoners, doctors now place a request for a new job in a queue. This queue is processed during render phase of the game loop so shouldn't take up any time during the main game loop.
  • Speed up rendering of the Feed Prisoners Objective. This was particularly slow when there were a lot of hungry prisoners.
  • Rebuild the indoor/outdoor shadow mask only when a cell changes its material or indoor/outdoor status.
= Thermodynamics (continued)
  • New pipe type in the utilities view: Hot water pipes These operate on a seperate layer to the existing pipes, and can be overlaid without conflict.
  • New utility: Hot water boiler Requires a large pipe connection of cold water, and a direct electrical connection You can run hot water pipes from this boiler in any direction. Nb. Water will lose heat the further it gets from the boiler.
  • All radiators now require a hot water connection to function
  • Showers can take cold water or hot water. When supplied with hot water, showers will also reduce a prisoner's Warmth need When supplied only with cold water will apply a Frigid effect, which acts as a kind of short-term surpression while also spiking their Warmth and comfort needs.
- 3d mode has been discovered.

This update we have improved 3d mode with new shapes, new shaders operating on all objects, and better wall geometry. 3d mode remains very experimental.

Known bug: The mouse position is wrong when using graphics/Supersampling.
Known bug: Long pauses caused by geometry changing, eg wall construction/demolition

  • Thermodynamic map to use 16 bit number type to represent the temperature instead of 8 bit. This fixes a bug with fire showing negative temperatures.
  • 0010610: [Graphics] entire screen is black and white boxes
Update 44 Mar 2016
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This month we've returned to our boffin-like roots and implemented a thermodynamic model. When the sun sets over the outer fence and the shadow of the sniper grows longer over the exercise yard, the temperature will begin to drop. Heat sources like the kitchen and radiators will keep things warm for a while, but the cold will start creeping through those thin cell walls.

Next comes Quick Build. Stolen straight from the console build comes the ability to stamp down whole cells and offices, This should make things a whole lot quicker and a bit less "grindy".

We've also packaged up some of the coolest prisons we could find so if you don't use steam, or your connection drops you still have something to play with. Along the same lines you can now filter the most popular steam prisons in game and tinker with the most popular penetentiaries on the workshop.

Full Change List

= Thermodynamics
  • The game now models the ambient temperature of the world, and it's effect on your prisoners.
  • The outdoor temperature will vary during the day, and turn cold at night
  • The temperature of your indoor areas will be affected by this. Indoor areas near doors and windows will lose heat fast.
  • Certain existing objects generate lots of heat : Cookers (when in use), power stations, water pumps.
    • New toolbar button under Logistics : Temperature. Visualises the temperature of all areas of your prison
    • Prisoners now have a Warmth need. This need increases when they are cold.
    • They will protest if cold for too long, and eventually cause trouble.
    • If prisoners are too hot for too long (for example working in a hot kitchen) they will develop a status effect "Overheating".
      This makes them more likely to cause trouble
    • New item : Radiator. Build these around your prison to warm up the indoors when required.
= Quick Build menu
  • The old "Clone" toolbar item has been replaced with a new "Quick Build" menu, with more options.
  • You can now pick from a set of template rooms, and stamp them dowm in your prison.
  • All neccesary foundations will be built (if required), and the area will be cleared of walls and objects.
  • Then your workmen will build all the walls and objects required.
  • The room type will be automatically assigned.
  • You can rotate a quick build room using R or middle mouse click.
    Available quick build rooms:
    • Basic Cell
    • Solitary Cell
    • Luxury Cell
    • Shared Cell
    • Office
  • Nb. Clone is now available in the Quick Build menu and no longer needs to be researched.
= New prison sharing options
  • A new option in the Extras menu 'Most Popular Prisons' lets you view the most popular Steam Workshop prisons.
    You can choose to view the most popular over the last week/month/year/all time.
    Play the prison instantly by clicking Play.
  • We are now bundling 10 of the best community made prisons with all versions of the game.
    These are designed for times when you have no internet connection, or are not running the Steam build (so no workshop access)
  • You can now attach a Phone Tap to the Secure vistation booths added in Update 3. This will give you more intelligence on contraband, escapes etc.
= New Translations

Ukranian, Bulgarian, Traditional Chinese

  • 0010454: [Gameplay] Escape mode: Revive prisoners (lim_ak) - resolved.
  • 0010333: [Gameplay] Fill to capacity improvement (lim_ak) - resolved.
  • 0010588: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners can work and get paid even when job room is invalid (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009100: [AI & Behaviour] Mail delivered to solitary cell after inmate has left (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010566: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners do not use weight-benches (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010500: [Performance] Snipers in Guard Towers cause major lag. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010567: [AI & Behaviour] Doctors get stuck while attempting to heal (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010539: [Gameplay] Saved game, crashes at same spot (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0010519: [AI & Behaviour] Wrong delivered mail. (Icepick) - resolved.
Update 327 Jan 2016
YouTube Video Thumbnail

There's nothing more likely to stop you in your tracks than the sound of a sniper bullet screaming a few meters from your head. That'll be the warning shot, fired from the sniper in the tower, to stop an escape in it's tracks. Installing guard towers will certainly increase the security of your prison, but it won't do much for the psychological well-being of your prisoners - how would you feel if a bloke with a gun was watching you all day?

Want more tyranny? You can dehuminise visitation by building glass booths and phones. Prevent the hand-holding and all that business - prevents the drugs being smuggled too. Your prison, your rules...

Full Change List

= Guard Towers + Snipers

You can now build guard towers around your prison for an extra level of security, intimidation, and force.

  • New entity type : Snipers
    • Hired from the staff menu.
    • These guys will equip themselves with a scoped sniper rifle from the armoury, if you have one.
    • They will then take turns manning the guard towers you have built.
  • Snipers will project 'Suppression' to all prisoners within their line of sight.
  • Rules of engagement
    • When snipers see trouble occuring, they will fire warning shots.
    • If three warning shots are ignored, they will shoot to kill.
    • If you have enabled "Freefire" they will always shoot to kill, without warning.
    • They will also shoot to kill if they see an escaping prisoner already outside the prison secure zone.
= Secure Visitation Booths

You can now build secure visitation booths in your visitation room if you choose, instead of the usual tables. A secure visitation booth has a glass panel that seperates the inmate from the family member, and they use a phone to talk.

  • No contraband can be imported through a totally secure visitation room
  • However the inmates family needs will not be satisfied nearly as well
  • Nb. There must be a complete seperation of visitors and inmates for a room to be considered secure.
= Female Names-in-the-game

If you are a Name in the Game customer, you can now update your bio and create a female prisoner if you wish. Go to to do this.

- Mod API updates

Scripted interface buttons now correctly pass click callbacks to the script that created them. This allows scripts to add interactions to other objects in the game world.

- Dormitories of 40 or more squares will now get their own sector for the purposes of guard deployment and security zoning

- New Translations


- Bug Fixes
  • Fixed: 2x3 Dormitories with a bunkbed will now correctly accept 2 prisoners
  • 0010359: [AI & Behaviour] Doctors not treating during Virus Outbreak Event
  • 0010445: [AI & Behaviour] Overdosed prisoners put in solitary instead of infirmary
  • 0010477: [Gameplay] Intake System brings in wrong amounts of certain levels of prisoners
  • 0010333: [Gameplay] Fill to capacity improvement
  • 0010438: [Control & User Interface] CI window shows two % signs rather than one
  • 0010352: [AI & Behaviour] Nasty change in the priority of the job assignment
  • 0010461: [Gameplay] Contraband scan cooldown causing problems
  • 0010459: [Control & User Interface] Suspicion percentage is displayed twice
  • 0006604: [Control & User Interface] Double billing of reform programs
  • 0010437: [AI & Behaviour] Multiple mailrooms do not work
  • 0010480: [Gameplay] Intake not calculated properly
  • 0008937: [Control & User Interface] Carpentry Apprenticeship
  • 0010452: [Gameplay] Dormitories and adjacent rooms counts as one room
  • 0010322: [Gameplay] Prisoners not being taken to Dormitories
  • 0010298: [Gameplay] 2x3 dorms dont get extra prisoner space
  • 0010472: [AI & Behaviour] Opened mail thrown throughout Holding Cell
  • 0010453: [AI & Behaviour] Laundry taken from Dormitorys
  • 0006883: [Mod System] Allow mods to augment the selected object popup
  • 0010367: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners get ReadBook status and freeze in place
  • 0010417: [Control & User Interface] Policy screen in female prisons says "HIM"
  • 0010471: [AI & Behaviour] Laundry Room uniforms in odd piles
  • 0010095: [Performance] One specific prison that has updated across mutiple alphas is experincing 1sec freezing every 10sec
  • 0010468: [AI & Behaviour] Shower Drainage Behaviour Issues
  • 0010370: [Performance] Extreme low FPS with many idle prisoners.
  • 0010348: [Other] Open mails spawning from my inmates
Update 218 Dec 2015
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For the last update of 2015 we've introduced women into prison. Their needs are subtly different, but the biggest issue you'll face is what to do if a mother turns up with a babe in arms...

Merry Christmas; thanks for an incredible 2015 and all the best for 2016 from Mark, Chris and the rest of the Introversion Software team.

Full Change List

= Women's Prisons

You can now choose the gender of your prisoners in the "New Prison" screen. Female prisoners have different needs and behave differently than male prisoners.

Some female prisoners are mothers of young babies (less than two years old) and are entitled to look after their baby during their stay in your prison. This requires some new facilities - often called "MBUs (Mother and Baby Units)"
Family Cell
A new type of cell for mothers with babies only. Similar to a normal cell, but also requires a Cot and an integrated Shower. Nb these cells will never be assigned to female prisoners without babies.

A shared room for all mothers to live in, typically isolated from the rest of the prison. Mothers will spend much of their time in this room with their babies. Requires cots and play mats for the babies.

Mothers will eat their meals in this room, so it also requires a serving table, benches etc. Your kitchens will be assigned to cook meals for the nurseries as if they were canteens.

= Modding API (continued)
  • Added world and world cell data variables to the scripting API. This includes getting the size of the world, time index, etc. Setting these variables, however, is currently unsupported.
  • A new interface scripting API has been included as well. Mods can now add, remove, and change buttons in the BiographyWindow (shown when you select a non-prisoner object in the world), with callbacks to it's script.
  • Modding in escape mode has also been improved by allowing player interaction on scripted objects. A callback to the script is given when the player is close to an object and interacts with it.

- General performance enhancements, especially to laundry system.

- New Translations: Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Thai

- Bug Fixes

  • Needs.txt not loaded in correct order when using mods
  • 0010162: [Gameplay] Surrendering in escape mode causes insane amounts of rep points / surrendering doesn't work
  • 0010309: [Control & User Interface] [Prison Architect] Crash when opening confidential informant window
Update 113 Nov 2015
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We're back!

Mark and Chris talk about their feelings, before taking a look at update 1.

Tweaks to escape mode, fine grain control over prisoner intake and most importantly multiple occupancy cells and BUNK BEDS!

Full Change List

= Shared Cells
  • New room type: Dormitory
  • New furniture: Bunk Beds

A Dormitory can house any number of prisoners, based on the number of beds installed. Dormitories can be small eg 2x3, replacing the normal Cell, allowing for two or more inmates to share a cell together Or Dormitories can be large, with shared showers, toilets, phones, tvs, recreational facilities etc. Better facilities will result in a higher room grading, which will have a positive effect on your inmates

= Prisoner Intake (continued)

There are now several different modes of Intake that can be set for your prison
Choose your mode from the Intake report

No inmates will be brought to your prison
Inmates will be brought into your prison when available, until your available capacity is full
You set the total number of prisoners desired, and the Intake system works to fill that number
You choose the number of prisoners to bring in each day (The old method)
All available prisoners will be brought in every day
= Escape mode (continued)

Escape mode was deemed too easy and unbalanced, and several features have been nerfed.

  • Damage done to a prison and its staff is now repaired automatically, once the player surrenders or is knocked out.
    • All staff killed are replaced with new hires
    • All fires are extinguished
    • Burnt down walls now get construction jobs created to replace them
  • All ranged weapons now have limited ammo.
    Nb you can press G to drop the current weapon.
    • Shotgun : 6 shots
    • Pistol : 6 shots
    • Tazer : 1 shot
    • Assault rifle : 30 shots
  • If you steal an item from a room, there is now a three hour timer before that item can be stolen again from that room. This will put a stop to whole teams of escapees stealing knives from the kitchen. Nb these timers end instantly when the player surrenders or is knocked out.
  • Reputations rebalanced
    • Skilled fighter: chance to disarm opponent now reduced to 20% per hit, down from 30%
    • Extremely deadly: chance to kill reduced to 15% per hit, down from 30%
    • Ranged weapons are no longer made more powerfull by the Strong/Deadly reputations
    • Ranged weapons no longer disarm opponents when the attacker has the Skilled Fighter rep
  • Improved game over screen to stack up victims in the same way as the intake report's prisoner preview.
- Gangs rebalanced

Rebalanced the chances of gang members and leaders arriving, to make gangs a more likely occurance.

  • Doubled the chances of receiving gang members at intake
  • The chance of an incoming gang member being a leader is now much higher
  • The probability of receiving a gang leader also increases as the size of the gang increases.
- New translations

Greek, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese

  • no more saving on escape mode gameover screen
  • Items still loaded on trucks dont get search jobs during shakedown
  • deployment menu has the correct default selected based on your research
  • fog of war turns on sooner on GABOS level
  • error sound only plays once when unable to afford objects
Version 16 Oct 2015
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Thank-you. It's taken us five years of development and three years in early access, but we have made it. Introversion Software in conjunction with every single gamer who joined in our alpha is proud to present Prison Architect V1.0

V1 contains a ton of bug fixes, escape mode, story mode, multiple languages, customisable wardens, achievements and a ton of other stuff to get you back in the warden's chair

You helped made this happen - take a moment to think about that ;)

Full Change List

= Campaign Story

The perfect place to start for new players.

  • Chapter 1 : Death Row (The Introduction from the Alpha)
  • Chapter 2 : Palermo
  • Chapter 3 : GABOS
  • Chapter 4 : Conviction
  • Chapter 5 : Bootstraps
= Escape Mode

You can now load any prison, and attempt to escape from it, in this brand new game mode. Steam customers can load any Steam Workshop prison, or even use the 'Random' button to be sent to a random steam workshop prison. (Experimental) There is a 'HELP' button that you can click on, in the bottom right of the screen.

Use WASD to move around, and aim with the mouse.

  • You can steal weapons and tools from all the rooms you'd expect.
  • Stash your contraband to avoid being caught
  • Earn Reputation points by starting fights and smashing up furniture.
  • You will receive bonuses for knocking people unconcious, and additional bonuses for kills.
  • Spend those points to upgrade your character with any of these reputations:
    You hit harder
    You can take more hits
    You have a chance to kill with one hit
    You can run faster (hold SHIFT)
    Nearby prisoners will fight when you do
    Skilled Fighter
    You can disarm opponents
  • You can also spend rep points to recruit other prisoners to your group. They will follow you around and will assist during fights.
  • If you have a digging tool you can dig an escape tunnel from the toilet in your cell.
  • Win the game by escaping with your entire team.
= Collectables

There are two types of collectable item in the game. As you discover them they will be added to the Extras menu.

  • Polaroids : All story based polaroids. Some are shown during cutscenes. Some only occur in the sandbox and must be found.
  • Game Bible : The game design notebook has been scanned and can now be found throughout your prison. Keep your eyes out for scraps of paper on the floor within the sandbox. Click on those scraps to unlock another page.
= Special Wardens

You can now select from one of six wardens, when creating a new prison. Each Warden brings a special ability to the game.

The Warden
The default warden, offers no special abilities.
The Lobbyist
Halves likelyhood of Violent/Lethal/Deadly inmates arriving.
Diminishes effect of Stoical / Fearless. Doubles effect of Suppression.
J. W. Periwinkle
Guard dogs have a 50% chance to immediately uncover tunnels
The Pacifier
Permanent 25 point reduction in prison temperature
Saphara Acknova
Corruption! Receives a backhand payment for all contraband found
= Translations

We are working to translate the game into as many languages as possible. More languages will be coming in the first update.

We currently have translations for: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese

- Education grant (continued)

The education grant has been rebalanced and made easier. You now need 10 prisoners to pass the foundation course, and 1 prisoner to pass the general education course.

- Event System (continued)

The event system has been rebalanced and is now much less destructive. Specifically, the 'politician demand' event and the 'Virus outbreak' event have been nerfed. Events occur far less frequently. Many other small tweaks to make the event system better.


Hundreds of fixes and improvements were added in the run up to v1.0. In addition, the following Mantis bugs were fixed:

  • 0002935: [Gameplay] Guard dogs kill prisoners (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009914: [AI & Behaviour] Doctors Wont Heal Sick Prisoners. (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009911: [Gameplay] 'Virus Outbreak' event is near 'unbeatable' (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009970: [Gameplay] Perimeter walls cannot be rebuilt after events (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0005691: [Graphics] Unconscious prisoners appear as a black box on screen when in a medical bed. (supersampling fault?) (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009954: [Save & Load] Virus outbreak not saved (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009931: [Control & User Interface] Gang members not displayed in gang view (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0008149: [AI & Behaviour] Dead parole lawyer won't be taken away from morgue to hearse (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009891: [AI & Behaviour] Dead prisoners pile up in Infirmary (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009924: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners developing extra hands during combat when handcuffed - (and killing an impossibly high number of gaurds) (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009826: [Other] Internal Clock error (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0006453: [Other] Bankruptcy timer runs out in less than 24 hours (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0007397: [AI & Behaviour] Lockdown/Solitary timers run at different rate to game clock (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009912: [Gameplay] Federal witness countdown is lost after reloading game (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009926: [Graphics] Empty tray being fed (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009938: [Graphics] Maximum Safe Capacity unreadable (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009915: [AI & Behaviour] Sick prisoners are completely ignored by doctors and paramedics (Icepick) - resolved.
  • 0009890: [Gameplay] federal witness in death row (Icepick) - resolved.
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